Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy (sunny!) Monday

I hope you all had a fabulous weekend that included whatever plenty of what you love most.

I had to take it easy this weekend so I spent some time (though not as much as I would have liked!) at my scrap desk.

I've got piles of pictures on my work surface from 1991 (I know, I know... I'm working on that! And yes, there are tons done from after that date, I'm just filling in gaps. Seems to be the theme this year) in three stacks; Matt's book, Amy's book and the family album. The kids' are all 8 1/2 x 11 so easy to share, but the 12 x 12? Not so much.

I stink at using kits sent from the brief time I was a member of SG's kit club. I love the items they choose, I just have a tough time following what they've done, though I do think they are wonderful. So, I was too happy to use some of the kit for this l/o.

Not my favorite, and I did use some really old stickers (yeah!), but I don't cringe when I look at it (my do-over criteria) so it stays. My theory is they can't all be favorites, but if I truly hate what I've made (and oh yes, that has happened plenty of times) then I'm going to fix or re-do it.

Doctor (ick) and work today, but as it is spring break for me (yeah!!!!) I'm going to spend at least part of today scrapping.


  1. I still have photos from 1991 - you are not the only one! I love that I still stacks of photos to work from. I never get bored! :) Love these layouts.

  2. Have a great time scrapping :) I love to delve through the old photos too, it's always great to write down some memories - beautiful pages.

  3. I find myself going back all of the time and picking older photos to scrap! So fun to see those memories sometimes and really inspires me :)

    Fun pages! And oh, I still love and have some of those Chatterbox letter stickers!!

  4. Good job on using all your "vintage" scrap materials! Love how many photos you always use!

  5. Cute pages, I bet it is fun to look back at those photos! Enjoy your Spring Break, mine is next week and I can hardly wait!
