Sorted by color, and one by theme (animals, holidays, school, etc). It works great because I don;t have to dig around, much. But, I still my two (down from 13 so wooo hoo for that!) PSB's with stuff that needs to be pulled and put into artbins. More time efficient. Oh, and I went that route because I wanted my home storage system to be easily accessible as well as portable for girls weekends away.
Another thing that works great for me is to have a bunch of my pattern paper, with coordinating cardstock, sorted into plastic kits in one of these:

And I love it, but I don't have it sorted by theme or color or paper type (boy, girl, striped, flowers, holidays, etc) so I spend way more time looking through when I need a kit for a l/o than I'd like to.
So, to quote a word from one of my favorite all time movies, my system needs "tweaking". Nothing major, will require some time, but definitely do-able.
But maybe I'll just finish up the l/o sitting on my desk first :)
I love that organizer! TFS. :-)